Honorable Komi ABITOR

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the Honorable Abitor.
He is appointed Representative of Amireec and the Christian Investment Fund in TOGO.
Komi is an agro-economist by training. He has twenty years of experience in the development of family farming and market access. As a development practitioner, he participated in Togo and Benin in the development of a business model for the processing and marketing of agricultural products in rural areas, acting as a key link in agri-food chains. He has conducted consultations and facilitated workshops in Togo on farmers’ practices in the marketing of agricultural products. He strengthened his skills by carrying out technical support missions in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Niger, Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Congo, Ecuador and Chile.

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Since 2003, Komi has been the Founder and Managing Director of ETD (Entreprises Territoires et Développement), a Togolese organization specializing in the promotion of agrifood SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) in Togo and Benin. Through ETD, 53 SMEs are established mainly on the promotion of rice, soybean bringing together more than 26,000 producers and having a volume of activities of more than 3.5 billion FCFA (6.4 million USD) at the end of 2022.

Since 2017, he is the founder and CEO of a holding called CIDEA (Capital Investissement pour le Développement d’Entreprises Agroalimentaires) with a portfolio of 18 agri-food SMEs whose volume of activities reached 3.5 million euros in 2020.

Komi ABITOR is also the founder of an import-export, logistics and agricultural input distribution company called MAGNIFIC ORSE SARL.

Komi is also a Consultant within the framework of several studies and missions on behalf of the French Development Agency, the World Bank, IFAD, the European Union, the Fondation de France, the BOAD (West African Development Bank), the AfDB (African Development Bank), the French Committee for International Solidarity.

In the world of Civil Society Organizations, Komi ABITOR is President of (i) AIDR (International Alliance for Development and Research) headquartered in Lomé, Togo and bringing together 30 development organizations from Africa and Europe  ; (ii) REPAOC (Network of National Associations and NGOs in West Africa), headquartered in Dakar, Senegal; (iii) FONGTO (Federation of NGOs of Togo)

Trainer in youth entrepreneurship, corporate governance and project management. He has been a board member of The Duke of Edinburgh Foundation since 2018.